Great podcast! The deportation of 30 million illegals will be very difficult. I propose rounding them all up in camps and giving them one-way tickets back to their home countries.

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Remigration is the only solution!

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The people biden is importing aren't smart enough to fill our workforce.

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Hanania argues that white advocates like JT overlook the empirical refutation of a mostly harmonious multi-ethnic California because they spend too much time “doom scrolling”. This podcast illustrates this tendency very well. Perhaps JT is at his best when arguing for a white homeland as a legitimate preference. As one libertarian friend put it, a white homeland is a highly-valued consumer good for many whites and non-white immigration is a massive externality that economists ignore because they are PC. Although Hanania argues that demonstrated preference shows that whites don’t care that much about racial homogeneity (in spite of decades of white flight), I think he overlooks decades of anti-racist propaganda (which he endorses!). Yes, if you browbeat whitey long enough, he will surrender to the anti-racist oligarchy and just retreat into tighter social circles within multi-ethnic areas rather than flee to the hinterlands or Poland. JT says whites are “kookoo” about race and, ironically, it is this more white-specific trait that Hanania defends/emulates as “elite human capital”.

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They need to go. No if’s and’s or taco’s butts !

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Don't forget also all the massive chain migration that occurs with the H1B Visa program.

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The mercenary U.S. military is not a new thing. Fast track to Citizenship. This has been going on for decades and decades.

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You’re right and so much so that the leftist lunatic activists always use the measly there’s only 11 million illegals aliens here in America .When that’s so wrong it’s hilarious. But Hilarious Isn’t a good word to use because there was nothing funny about the 40 million active illegal aliens in America. They need to go and they need to go asap.

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