AND WHY should someone "have to move" FROM HIS OWN NATION... being crowded out by aliens...? Other people have their own nations. It is a HATE CRIME for them to come to our nations to take ours, and politicians who allow or facilitate it commit High Treason.

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The first case of religious motivated terrorism in Australia was from the Hindu community. The fact that their leadership was wanted in their homeland for financial crimes made no difference to the unquestioning followers who presented a VERY selective history of their religion with sacrificial appeasement of demons and oppressive social castes all redacted. Now, Britain is filling up with unquestioning new voters who will never cull the unfit out of political posts

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Thank you for saying Anno Domini. Various style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style adopted the anti-Christian C.E. (“Common Era”).

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The combination of Zionism and Hinduism is poison to Britain and mass Isalmic immigration has been forced upon us by our Judeo and Hindu overlords

JD Vance is a rabid Zionist and has an Indian wife- Indians are joined at the hip with Israel in their shared hatred of Islam. Zionism is behind mass immigration into Europe and the USA and Indians (particularly Hindus) in positioins of power in the UK have caused much damage, together with all the dual Israeli citizens and those married to dual Israeli citizens who massively disproportionately hold power in the UK Government.

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Hulk Hogan born Terry Gene Bollea is not white himself, being of "modern Italian" and Panamanian descent, as well as French and Scottish... even mixed blooded people want to breed up (though doing so destroys the pure race they breed into)... and white people are blamed for crimes committed by mixed bloods "called white"... this recent alleged shooter Crooks is part jewish, as is Payton Gendron, the shooter in Buffalo NY. Robert, https://sacredtruthministries.com

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Thank you for saying Anno Domini. Various style guides such as the Chicago Manual of Style adopted the anti-Christian C.E. (“Common Era”).

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Take it from someone in Spain, Germany is further down the road to perdition than Spain, but not that much.

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