I don't believe either Muslims or Jews (or various others) should be in the West with their self-interested squabbles and fights, causing such trouble in our lands whilst both of these groups jealously guard what is theirs, in their countries, for their own people ONLY.

Both groups are highly tribal, to the exclusion of others yet both expect Europeans give up everything we are and own to them.

Having said that, it is dishonest to say that it was Muslims that caused the trouble in the Netherlands, it was clearly the Israeli supporters and the evidence is abundant.

The truth matters even when you have many reasons to dislike a particular groups ideology/behaviour, there is never any reason to twist the truth.

The fact is that it is Jewish 'charities' and NGO's such as ISRAAID PAIDEIA HIAS and numerous others,that have been massively over-represented in helping Mulsims illegals to enter the West for decades and many top Rabbis refer to Islam as the 'Broom of Israel' in other words to sweep away Edom (their word for Europe, and the European people whom they hate)

The Talmud preaches hatred against Christians and says that Jesus is boiling in excrement for eternity. Christians are attacked and spit upon in Israel.

The Jewish people are the most powerful, wealthy and protected group in the world (depsite being only 0.02% of the world's population, yet in Europe we hear constantly about the poor Jews and all the anti Semitism, despite the fact that it is not Jews being regularly attacked, raped and murdered by immigrants - but it is Europeans and this fact is generally hushed up in mainly Zionist controlled media - why?

So called anti-Semitic 'attacks' invariably amount to nothing more than name-calling but are treated as though they were murder - whilst the opposite approach is taken to Europeans when they are actually the victims of brutality.

In Europe as in the US our governments are controlled by powerful Zionist interests and this is at the root of many of our troubles including having mass immigration forced upon us for decades.

The Jewish Bolsheviks murdered tens of millions of non-combatant Russians last century in the name of Communism, possibly the greatest mass killing in history and yet this is very well

covered up in Europe whilst we are led to beleive that Jewish people are the world's greatest victims.

Who has had the power to ensure that this vital peice of history has been kept from the majority of Europeans? Take a guess - who benefits?

The word racist was first used by the Bolsheviks last century against Russian people, who were nationalists. Bolshevik tactics are being used in the same way to weaken and destroy the West - it is Communism the greatest mass killing machine in history and if people are not willing to face this obvious fact we really are doomed.

Europe - Islam is the problem - Zionism is the cause.

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I was about to say how the Jewish advocacy of Australia has successfully banned Candice Owens from entering the country, while they have never given so much as a single complaint about the islamists that have wormed or barged their way in. They are an excellent example of how your celebrities are your worst enemies on the inside

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That’s why I’m a Zionist. Now, jews have no excuse to be in white homelands

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Further to my earlier comment. The Israeli fans were shouting anti Muslim chants at the start of the match. this is obviously normal in football matches between rival supporters.

However, the chants included delight over the killing of children and was also done during the period of silence for the victims of the floods in Spain - so joy in killing children and no repsect whatsoever for the Spanish/European people.

Some news reports have said that many of these Israeli supporters were actually IDF soldiers on leave.

I re-iterate, why are Western nations putting up with all these foreign entities, whether they be Muslims< Jews or others, using our nations as battle grounds in their own national, self-serving squabbles whilst at the same time expecting us to give up everything to them.

They should ALL go back to their own highly tribal, ethnocentric countries with well protected borders, cultures, heritage, history and national wealth. They evidently don't want foreigners in their lands or to share any of what is theirs - why should we want them in ours, sharing what is ours?

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